Cisco ISR 3945 Router 3x 1GbE 2x PSU SPE150 1GB RAM 256MB CF IPBASE K9.

CiscoSKU: 119109694

Sale price$198.00


Reset to factory default configuration
C3900-SPE150/K9 is installed with 1GB RAM and 256MB
Compact Flash 2x PWR-3900-AC AC PSUs are installed Rack ears are included
Licensing information:
Technology Package License Information for Module:'c3900'  

Technology    Technology-package          Technology-package
             Current       Type          Next reboot   
ipbase        ipbasek9      Permanent     ipbasek9
security      securityk9    Evaluation    securityk9
uc            None          None          None
data          datak9        Evaluation    datak9


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The image may not exactly match the actual product.

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All materials published in this catalog are the property of Advanced Data Devices, LLC, any publication or copying (full or partial) without prior consent is prohibited.

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